Monday, June 18, 2012

Trinket Tuesday: Spread the Love

Quite a few of my favorite blogs have weekly or monthly posts. While looking around my house trying to think of what exactly I could write about on a weekly basis I couldn't help but notice my collection of trinkets.
Although I plan on writing quite a few posts about food, desserts, travels and my beautiful dachshund, I might have trouble searching for inspiration, and trinkets I doubt I'll ever run out of.
Trinket collecting is something I am very VERY good at, I see tiny things and very similar to my obsession with photography my trinket collecting is my way of documenting my life. My way of looking at something and saying, "Oh yes that copper zombie cookie cutter was purchased the day I registered for my wedding at Sur La Table." Or, "my Olive Wood spoon I got on my honeymoon in Italy".
I'm figuring out slowly that I really love the idea that someday my life will tell a story. Maybe one day it'll be a story worth telling. One that will keep my kids or grandchildren or great grandchildren in awe. The way I am when hearing the stories of my family's past. I hope that one day, my kids will have these trinkets, photos and stories to look back on and be able to feel my presence the way I feel my grandmother when I read her old cookbooks.
And on that note!
Today's trinket is a new one. I found this little gem at a Market Day in Georgetown TX. I was lucky enough to be able to spend time with my Mother-in-Law and my Grandmother-in-Law. It was a lovely sunny Saturday, a perfect day for three generations of Weber women to do some shopping. One of the very first things I spotted was this little guy.

It looks like your everyday silver spreader right?

On the contrary! How adorable is this??? A simple reminder to...:)
These are a couple other things I found photo worthy.

And one more of Dory just to hold you over till next time :)

1 comment:

  1. Love that spreader! How sweet! Looking forward to Trinket Tuesdays!
